Sunday, 14 February 2010

Dan Graham

Cinematic Experiments which address a relationship between the viewer, performer and the artwork itself:

Two Correlated Rotations
'Two filmmakers holding their cameras as viewfinders are eye extensions spiral counter-directionally, the outside performer walking outward while his opposite walks inside towards the centre. The filming ends when the inside walker approaches the inward limits of the centre of his spiral. As they walk their 'aim' is to as nearly as possible be continually centring their cameras (and eyes) view on the frontal eye position of the other.

Each one's moves (and image of the other) reflects the other's in the reciprocal information feedback necessary to achieve continuous 'aim' or image read by the spectator.'

Annotated photograph of a performance to Two Correlated Rotations

Two Correlated Rotations
Images from Tate website

Roll, Filming process: staged publicity photographs of rehearsal
Image from ArtNet website

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